STEM Your Kids With a Drone

Our Thesis

Implementing real-world applications that immerse students into the learning of mathematics is proven to create positive learning experiences for students. However, it also creates challenges for the educators.

Drones are professionally relevant and attention grabbing.

With our software the drone flies itself. You predetermine the motion you want the drone to demonstrate, then just push a button on your screen to make it go. When you’re ready, another button sends the flight data from the drone to a google classroom spreadsheet.

This system has been demonstrated to enhance:

  • conceptual learning
  • student collaboration
  • math discourse
  • student engagement
  • connections between key mathematical ideas

We are seeking outstanding educators to help us gather classroom data. Submit your information below along with a short description of your proposed learning target and our team will be in contact to help form the lesson around your idea. For now this pilot will be targeting grade levels 6th through 12th.

Some example areas of instruction are:

  • Geometry
  • Algebra
  • Calculus
  • Trigonometry

Submit your idea here

Learn About How it Works